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Please email me with your with purchase inquiries, questions or comments. 

My process focuses on traditional darkroom methods, all done by hand. This process begins with black and white film in several formats: 120, 4x5 and, occasionally, 8x10. The film is then processed in my darkroom. Prints are made on fiber-based silver gelatin paper, processed to archival standards using selenium toner and then, mounted on museum mat board.

I enjoy this traditional method of making photographs because I feel it connects me with the image and gives me greater creative control. There is a look and feel to silver prints that, in my opinion, cannot be produced in any other form.

The source of my inspiration is human behavior. I am drawn to what man makes and then leaves behind when it no longer has a purpose. I am interested in cultures and how those cultures exist; what makes them unique, alluring or beautiful. I love to study my heritage and to use photography to share that experience with others. This passion has led me to Sicily, Italy on three occasions to connect with and immerse myself in the architecture, people, food and culture of my father's family.

The rare moment is not the moment when there is something worth looking at, but the moment when we are capable of seeing. I shall not delude myself into thinking that at this moment the fauna and flora of the desert are coming to perfection. I know that if they seem fascinating and beautiful it is because I am ready to look, not because they are more ready than always to be looked at.


                                                                                    Joseph Wood Krutch

                                                                                    The Desert Year

All images on this site are ©David Modica. No images may be used in whole or in part without permission from the photographer.

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